Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ch. 2 Reflection

When it comes to young children, I won't be teaching the terms found in Ch.2 such as Phonemes, Clipping, Syntax, Scripts, etc. However, I will be modeling many of these things. In learning a language, you have to learn pitches and where to stress certain sounds. We also have our polite, scripted conversations that mirror the usual "How are you?"

Eye contact, turn-taking, a lot of things in language can vary depending on a person's origins. That is why Ch. 2 is important for a future teacher. We must accept that some students may do or say things that we find disrespectful, and in some cases we must realize that these are misunderstandings. If the child has a different cultural background, you will need to let the child know what is appropriate and what is not. In the end, you will both be more knowledgeable about culture clashes and how to avoid them.

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