Tuesday, November 24, 2009

SIOP Videos

Building Background
Q. Describe the various activities the teacher uses to develop background knowledge of the new chapter’s content in this social studies lesson.

-links to students' backgrounds/experiences
-links to past learning
-key vocabulary- (pays close attention to vocab)
-uses visuals
-picks out main idea/concept and figures out how to tie it into students' lives
-has everyone contribute
-prompts with questions
-promotes creative/critical thinking
-has children share aloud
-work in groups

Comprehensible Input
Q. In what concrete ways does the teacher help students to comprehend this science

-appropriate speech for students' level
-clear explanation of tasks
-variety of techniques to make the concepts clear (modeling, demonstration, hands-on activities, etc.)
-Any words in the objectives that you do not understand? "extract"- (meaning will be demonstrated in the science activity)
-Take the word apart, students contribute what they think it means or what words they could substitute.
-they do very little reading, tries to present the content in a way the children can understand.
-hands-on activities
-allows students to come up and demonstrate things they've done, or how to identify things.
-Gives specific steps for the children to undergo, making the directions clear.
-presents new vocab words during lesson

Q. Describe the ways in which students interact with this social studies lesson. What techniques are employed?

-critical thinking questions
-how to make connections with information being learned
-visual aids
-sharing aloud
-has them arrange things on board, everyone getting to contribute
-work in groups
-put new vocabulary to use
-at end of day, asked a critical question about what they have learned overall, to give them a chance to summarize and connect everything.

Q. Describe the ways in which the teacher gets these kindergarten students to interact with both language and content in this math lesson.

-gives them frequent opportunities for interaction
-supportive group configurations
-use native language to clarify information
-sufficient wait time
-talk one on one, and then puts them into groups
-visual aids
-simplifies directions for students
-has class input with tasks
-asks them to think about how they will tell someone something or explain something.
-has them tell each other stories using the key words being taught
-clarifies instructions
-given the chance to share with class
-allows other students model for others.

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